Remediation Process & The 14 Categories of Disabilities under IDEA


This mind map is a detailed look at the 14 categories of disabilities under IDEA supported with case studies, pictures and other types of media as well as suggestions and analysis.
Ian Pollard
Mind Map by Ian Pollard, updated more than 1 year ago
Ian Pollard
Created by Ian Pollard about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Remediation Process & The 14 Categories of Disabilities under IDEA
  1. Autism
    1. Deaf-Blindness
      1. Deafness
        1. Developmental Delay
          1. Emotional Disturbance
            1. Hearing Impairment
              1. Intellectual Disability
                1. Multiple Disabilities
                  1. Orthopedic Impairment
                    1. Other Health Impairment
                      1. Specific Learning Disability
                        1. Speech & Language Impairment
                          1. Visual Impairment Including Blindness
                            1. Traumatic Brain Injury
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