Of Mice and Men BBC bitesize


Mind Map on Of Mice and Men BBC bitesize, created by caitlinsamuel on 05/13/2013.
Mind Map by caitlinsamuel, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by caitlinsamuel about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Of Mice and Men BBC bitesize
  1. Plot
    1. Hope and the shattering of hope
      1. Friendship
        1. Dreams and the shattering of dreams
          1. 1930's - Great Depression
            1. Confiding in others
              1. If you are an animal in this book you are in trouble
              2. Character Summary
                1. GEORGE
                  1. Lennie's best friend
                    1. Promised Lennie's Aunt Clara he would look after him
                      1. George is intelligent
                        1. Quick witted
                        2. LENNIE
                          1. Lennie is the brawn
                            1. Lennie has the mind of a child
                              1. Relies on George
                              2. CURLEY
                                1. Ranch owners son
                                  1. Possessive
                                    1. Boxer
                                      1. Unfaithful
                                      2. CURLEY'S WIFE
                                        1. No one asks what her real name is
                                          1. Hates ranch life
                                            1. Not been married long
                                              1. Pretty
                                                1. Young
                                                  1. Lonely
                                                    1. Treated like a possession
                                                    2. CROOKS
                                                      1. Only permenant employee
                                                        1. Black
                                                          1. Outcast
                                                            1. Intelligent
                                                              1. Cynical
                                                                1. Stablebuck
                                                                2. CANDY
                                                                  1. "Borrowed Time"
                                                                    1. Crippled
                                                                      1. Old
                                                                      2. SLIM
                                                                        1. 'Prince of the Ranch
                                                                          1. Quiet dignity
                                                                            1. Jerkline Skinner
                                                                              1. Well respected
                                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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