How does Hill create a sense of isolation in the novel


Mind Map on How does Hill create a sense of isolation in the novel, created by missrjf on 11/05/2013.
Mind Map by missrjf, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by missrjf about 11 years ago

Resource summary

How does Hill create a sense of isolation in the novel
  1. Eel Marsh house is isolated in the marsh
    1. "It was an ugly, satanic-looking thing, like some species of sea-vulture."
      1. At the end of the Nine Live Causeway
        1. "the most astonishing situated house I had ever seen or could ever conceivably have imagined, isolated, uncompromising but also, I thought, handsome
        2. Young Arthur has no family in Crythin Gifford and no one will reveal anything to him about Eel Marsh House,
          1. The novel is written in first person - this shows him being more alone than if it was written in third person
            1. Even when Arthur is an old man, he still lives in an isolated area
              1. "there is an air of remoteness and isolation which makes us feel ourselves to be much further from civilization."
                1. "We are but two miles from a good-sized village, seven from the principal market town"
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