

Govt&Pol Unit1 Mind Map on Referenda, created by bennevin26 on 09/05/2013.
Mind Map by bennevin26, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bennevin26 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. A referendum is a popular vote on a particular policy issue of importance by the electorate
    1. Features
      1. Yes or No answers to a single question
        1. In the UK the vote is not binding as its only a constituational convention (because parliament is sovereign)
          1. Its a form of direct democracy
          2. Arguments FOR the use of Referenda
            1. Consulting the people is more democratic
              1. They promote public participation
                1. They limit government power
                  1. The people have a say on issues which affect them directly
                  2. Arguments AGAINST the use of Referenda
                    1. Parliament is meant to be sovereign so goes against parliaments responsibility
                      1. Public may not know enough regarding complex issues so should leave it to experts
                        1. Public opinion changes quickly
                          1. Question may be manipulated by the standing government e.g. wording, or only having the referendum if they are sure of winning it
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