Broken Glass Themes


Mind Map on Broken Glass Themes, created by abl on 16/04/2013.
Mind Map by abl, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abl about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Broken Glass Themes
  1. Marriage
    1. Sylvia and Phillip
      1. Hymen and Margaret
        1. Harriet
        2. Anti-semitism
          1. Kristallnacht
            1. WW2 background
              1. Gellburg's own attitude
                1. Case and Gellburg relationship
                  1. Paralysis of Sylvia
                    1. News reports
                    2. Conflict
                      1. Male Rivalry
                        1. Conflict in marriage/domestic violence
                          1. Cultural conflict
                            1. Religious conflict
                              1. Gender conflict
                                1. Conflict in workplace
                                2. Identity
                                  1. Cultural identity
                                    1. Personal identity
                                      1. Status/social hierarchy
                                      2. Sexual realtionships
                                        1. Hyman and his philandering
                                          1. Impotence/emasculation of Gellburg
                                            1. Margaret and Hymen
                                              1. Sylvia and Hymen
                                                1. Sylvia's own sense of sexuality
                                                  1. Male attitude to sex
                                                  2. Violence
                                                    1. Domestic violence
                                                      1. Political violence
                                                      2. Racial vioence
                                                        1. Psychological violence
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