Culinary Terms


GCSE culinary terms True and False Flashcards on Culinary Terms, created by jane stainer on 15/05/2013.
jane stainer
Flashcards by jane stainer, updated more than 1 year ago
jane stainer
Created by jane stainer about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Accompaniments Items offered separately to the main dish e.g. vegetables.
Al dente Literally means ‘to the tooth’, i.e. firm to the bite.
Au gratin Sprinkled with cheese and/or breadcrumbs and browned under the grill.
Bain-marie A container of water used to keep foods hot without fear of burning or to cook delicate foods.
Brûlée ‘Burned’, e.g. crème brûlée or burned cream
A bundle of herbs Bouquet garni
Coulis A sauce made of fruit or vegetable purée
Croutons Cubes of toasted or fried bread
En croute ‘In a pastry case’, e.g. salmon en croute
Entrée A meat dish usually served as a main course
Flambé To cook with a flame by ‘burning’ away the alcohol, e.g. crêpe suzette.
A savoury decoration for food, trimmings served with a main item. Garnish
Thin, matchstick-sized strips of vegetables. Julienne
Marinade A richly spiced liquid used to give flavour to help tenderise meat and fish.
Mise-en-place ‘Put in place’, i.e. preparation either before starting to cook or before serving.
Reduce To concentrate a liquid by boiling or simmering.
Roux A mixture of fat and flour used as a basis for sauce
Sauté To toss in hot fat, e.g. sauté potatoes
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