71. People can Tell When a smile is Real or Fake More Accurately with Video


Flashcards on 71. People can Tell When a smile is Real or Fake More Accurately with Video, created by Natalie Carter on 09/03/2017.
Natalie Carter
Flashcards by Natalie Carter, updated more than 1 year ago
Natalie Carter
Created by Natalie Carter about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Video makes it easier to detect a ____ smile . Fake
What happens if a smile looks real to a viewer? If a smile looks real, it will engage the viewer and build trust.
Is it possible to fake a smile and to fake a crinkly-eye smile? Yes
People will be able to determine a fake smile versus a real one better in a video or a photo? People will be able to determine a fake smile versus a real one better in a video than in a photo.
Why is it easier to detect a fake smile in a video? Video makes it easier to detect a fake smile because it lasted longer and was dynamic, instead of just a snapshot.
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