Jobs Vocab


Vocab from lesson
Deleted user
Flashcards by Deleted user, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by a deleted user over 8 years ago
Tom Gibson
Copied by Tom Gibson over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Passer un exam To take an exam
Continuer (ses études) To carry on (studying)
Devenir (ingénieur) To become (an engineer)
Quitter l'ecole To leave school
Réussir To pass (an exam)
Un apprenti Apprentice
livrer To deliver
couturier designer
acteur/ actrice actor/ actress
homme / femme politique male / female politician
chanteur(euse) singer masc (fem)
berger shepherd
maçon builder
chômage unemployed
les coordonnées personal details
gagnez win
Entreprise Company
Lieu Area
Evaluez votre salaire Work out your salary
Accueil Welcome
sauter to jump
mannequin model
coiffeur hairdresser
fermier farmer
boulanger baker
boucher butcher
infirmier nurse
professeur teacher
serveur waiter
caissier cashier
chauffeur driver
médecine doctor
vendeur sales assistant
monotone repetitive
chauffeur de poids lourds lorry driver
propriétaire (de la boulangerie) owner (of the bakery)
un pour boire a tip (for the waiter)
charpentier carpenter
charcutier pork butcher
ébouer binmen
adricture farmer
instituteur primary school teacher
restauranteur restaurant owner
un pêcheur fisherman
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