The discovery of anaesthetic


Flashcards on The discovery of anaesthetic, created by bethanycoultrip on 22/05/2013.
Flashcards by bethanycoultrip, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bethanycoultrip about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what is the chemical given to a patient to reduce the pain? Anaesthetic
In 1799 who accidentally discovered that inhaling nitrous oxide made you less aware of pain? Humphrey Davy
who was Horace Wells? A dentist in 1844 who used nitrous oxide when extracting teeth.
What were some of the problems in using ether? 1) it sometimes made patients vomit. 2) it tended to irritate the lungs of patients so that they coughed even when they were unconscious 3) tended to produce very deep sleep which could last for days
In c1850 who discovered that chloroform could be a better anaesthetic than ether? James Simpson
why did the Victorians not want pain relief? because they were very religious and some felt that pain relief was interfering with gods plan
what did John Snow develop in 1848? an inhaler that regulated the dosage and reduced the number of death
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